Clean Eaters, 4 weeks down, 2 to go. Stick with it…results should be showing up big time if you are really staying clean. Reminder to team leaders, get those teams scores on the scoresheet by the end of the day Tuesday.
Warm-up (10 min.): Row 500m. Then 2 rounds of 10 Air Squats, 10 AH Swings, 10 Jumping Lunges. Dynamic Stretch
Strength (12 min): Strict Press/Push Jerk
3+3×1@60% 3+3×1@65% 3+3×3@70%
Base your % off the lightest of the two 1RM’s.
AFAP with a Partner, (you go, I go), each team needs one barbell, 1 wallball and 1 KB unles you are a coed team.:
100 Push Press 75/55
80 Wallball 20/14
60 KB Swing 55/45
40 Thruster 75/55
20 Rack Lunges R+L=1 75/55
EMOM when the clock will sounds, complete 3 burpee’s
simultaneously with your partner before continuing.
Icing: Skill Work of your choice.