Congratulations to Tori, Nina, Nate, and Shelby G, (Stand Firm One), for their 11th/24 finish at the Winter Team challenge in Glenwood Springs Saturday. Lihla, Katie H, Bryant and Mark, (WODZILLA), finished in 18th/24. Everyone worked their tail off and I think they all set personal bests in muliple events. Tami and I were amazed by the effort put forth by all the athletes and especially those from Stand Firm. We can all be very proud of their performances.
Today we start a new twist on the classes. With the growth in numbers of participants, it has become increasingly difficult to stay on schedule. As coaches and athletes we need to be more diligent in keeping with the published schedule. We feel it is important to respect each others time and run the classes in a timely and efficient manner. For that reason we will now hold to a strict time schedule for each component of a class. Please make every attempt to be on time for your class and to keep up with the schedule. If we are still unable to keep up with the existing schedule we may need to alter class starting times.
For those of you that arrive early for your class please stay clear of the ongoing class until they are finished. You can do your iron scap, rollout and work on mobility in the front room.
Warm-up (15 min): Row 500m. then 1/2 Tabata Squat, Plank S2S, GPU. Dynamic Stretch. Sprints
Strength (20 min): Front Squat/Clean
3+3×1@60% 3+3×1@65% 3+3×4@70%
Base your % off the lightest of the two 1RM’s.
12 Min AMRAP
2 Wallball 20/14
2 T2B
4 Wallball
4 T2B
6 Wallball
6 T2B
8 Wallball
8 T2B
Continue this rep scheme until time expires.
Icing: Skill Work your choice. With the Open only a couple weeks away think about what you need to improve on.