Warm-up: Jog 5 Min w/footwork, Dynamic Stretch, BBWU for Clean
Strength: Clean & Jerk
3 Reps EMOM for 7 Min.
Build up to AHAP with great mechanics.
5 Rounds for total Reps and Calories
Fight Gone Bad Style
(Five 1 min. rounds w/ 1 min. rest after 5 rounds. The clock does not stop.)
1 Min. Push Press 75/55
1 Min.Row for Calorie
1 Min. Slamball 30/20
1 Min. T2B
1 Min. KB Step Ups 35#/25# to 20″/16″ (R+L=2)
Icing: Handstand Skill work 30′ Handstand walk