Attention: Tuesday, (tomorrow), we will have the SFXF Fall Fishing Contest. The entry is $1. You will row four fish games totaling the scores of your best three games. The athlete/fishermen with the highest total score wins the money. Please bring 1 dollar for your entry tomorrow.
Warm-up: 3 Rounds of Row 250m., 10 KB Swing, 10 Medball Cleans. Dynamic Stretch
Strength: Complete Snatch Warm-up.
4 Reps EMOM for 8 Min.
Start light add weight until your mechanics breakdown.
For time:
Row 1000m.
4 Rounds of
30 Sit-ups
30 Double Unders 3/1
Row 1000m.
Icing: 15 KB Snatch each arm.