
Warm-up: Row 500m. Dynamic Stretch

Drop Snatch, Snatch Balance, Heaving Snatch Balance

Strength: Drop Snatch, Snatch Balance, Heaving Snatch Balance.
3 Sets of 3 Reps each exercise.


For total reps and calorie with a Partner move through the various stations.
You will work for 2 Min at each station w/30 Second transition time.

Battling Rope (both work simultaneously)
Sand Bag Shuttle (1 Lap = 2 Reps. Bag must be carried on the shoulder. It must touch the floor on the exchange.
Row for Calorie (2 rowers both work simultaneously)
T2 Rings (only one partner working at a time)
DB Push Press 35/25 (1 person working. If one partner sets their dumbbells down the reps stop
and there is a 3 Burpee penalty for both partners.

GHD Situp (2 GHD’s both work simultaneously)

Icing: Bennet vs Middle Park Tonight at 7:00 pm at Panther Field.