Congratulations to all the Stand Firm CrossFitters that worked so very hard at the Throwdown last Saturday. I was so amazed all day long at your performances. Be sure to go to our facebook page to see some video that we shot during the day. It was so much fun to witness everyone putting themselves on the line. A big THANK YOU to Steamboat CrossFit for doing a fantasic job hosting the 2015 HWY 40 Throwdown.
The final results are posted in the gym.
Trent and Ben, aka Swole Patrol, Are:
The Fittest Men in Northwest Colorado

Three little ones who got plum tuckered at the Throwdown. Not Pictured: Gator and Tucker. The 5 little fitters were awesome all day.
Warm-up: 4 Rounds of 50 Clicks 10 KB Swings, 10 Situps, 5 Burpee. Dynamic Stretch
Strength: TGU 3×5
5 Rounds for Time:
30 Kettlebell Swings 55/35
20 KB Step Ups 55/35 20″/16″
100m KB Farmers Carry 55/35
Icing: 30 GHD Sit-ups