Warm-up: Row 500m, then 2 Rounds of 10 Medball Clean and 10 Wallball. Dynamic Stretch
Split Jerk
Strength: Split Jerk
L1: 5@65% 5@75% 5@85%
L2: Minus 10%
4 Rounds for Time:
Row 500m.
25 Box Jumps 24/20
Icing: Hamstring Mobility
Saturday at 3 pm, Tami and I are inviting everyone to our house for a STAND FIRM CrossFit celebration. We want to celebrate an awesome 18 months of CrossFitting with a great group of people, and we will present awards to the winners of the Clean Eating Challenge. We will provide the meat and refreshments. If you would like to bring a dish of some kind that would be great. Spouses and kids are welcome. They will probably get wet and muddy in the creek and scraped up climbing the hill, the kids that is, so plan accordingly.