This is the last week of the Clean Eating Challenge. Hang in there. Be sure to turn in your scores and points this week over the website.and then your scoresheet to the Box on the 28th . A lot will happen next Monday the 28th; body fat testing, final weigh-in, and the post challenge WOD will all take place. Please plan accordingly.
HWY 40 Throwdown participants I have blocked out some rooms at the Rabbit Ears Motel in Steamboat for the night of the 10th of October. the motel is across the street from the hot springs pool. It might / will feel good after a day of competition. They are giving a slight discount if you mention Stand Firm CrossFit when you book your room. Their number is (970) 879 1150
Warm-up: Row 500m 3 Rounds of 3 Strick Pullups, 3 Strick T2B, 10 Air Squats Dynamic Stretch
Strength: Back Squat
L1: 5@40% 5@50% 5@60% (Pause 2 counts at the bottom of each rep)
L2: Minus 10% (Pause 1 count at the bottom of each rep)
L3: Same as level 2
15 Min AMRAP
5 Goblet Squats 55/35
10 KB Swings 55/35
5 T2B
During the Goblet Squat the KB must be held in the hands
chin high and cannot touch the chest or upper arms.
Icing: Double Under Practice. See how many you can do unbroken.