
Warm-up: 2 Rounds of Row 500m. at 3 min + pace, 10 POF Squats, Dynamic Stretch.

Strength: Warm Up your OHS with 2 Sets of 10 Front Squats then 2 Sets of 10 OHS.

WOD: HWY 40 Throwdown 15.2

For time:
In teams of two, each team member will complete 4 rounds of:
Row 500m
20 OH Squats

Partner A will row 500m while Partner B completes 20 overhead squats.
When both have completed their task they will switch movements,
Partner A will then complete 20 overhead squats while Partner B rows 500m.
In the end each partner will have rowed 2000m and completed 80 overhead squats.

RX 95/65
Scaled Men 45/35
Masters Men 85/55

Movement standards:
Overhead squat: This is a standard Overhead squat. A full squat snatch is permitted,
but not required, to start the movement if the standard depth is achieved. The hip
crease must be below the knee at the bottom. The hips and knees must fully open at
the top with the barbell locked out overhead.
The rower: The athlete may begin the workout seated in the rower but may not grab
the handle until the call of “go.” The monitor must be set to zero at the beginning of
each round. The athlete or the judge may reset the monitor

Icing: Shoulder Mobility