Let the 2nd Annual HWY 40Throwdown begin.
This should be fun for the next few weeks. Today is the last day to get in on the throwdown. Be sure to sign-up today. If you don’t have a teammate we can get you connected with somebody. We will schedule the throwdown workouts for Monday’s, Wednesday’s and of course you can do them on Saturday, but are flexible enough to do them when you and your teammate can both be in the box. Even if you cannot make the Finals in Steamboat on Oct 10th you can be part of the 1st 3 in box WOD’s, and hey, you get a t-shirt to say, “I took the challenge to do this”.
Entry fee is $20.
Warm-up: Row 750m. 3 Rounds of 10 each Medball Clean, KB Swing, Roll-ups. Dynamic Stretch.
Strength: Partners set up then warm-up the WOD movements.
WOD: HWY 40 Throwdown 15.1
10 min AMRAP
of an ascending ladder of Snatch and Toes to Bar
8 minutes
to find a 1 rep max bench press for each partner.
For the snatch toes to bar ladder: 1 partner working at a time. Each
partner must complete at least one repetition of
each movement. One barbell is allowed to be set
up per team. One bar allowed for toes to bar.
For 1 rep max bench: once the clock reaches 10 minutes
you will have until 18 min for both partners to find their one
rep max bench press. You must use the same bar for the bench
press as you used for the snatch. Score will be combined weight.
Snatch weights:
RX 115/75
Scaled Men 45/35
Masters Men 95/65
Movement standards:
Power Snatch: This power snatch is really a ground to overhead anyhow. The key point
is the range of motion between the two end points. For a barbell loaded with full sized
plates, the bottom is when the plates touch the ground. For an empty bar, the bottom
is when the barbell passes below the knee cap. The overhead position is when knees
and hips are fully extended, arms are locked out overhead and the bar is over or
behind the heels.
Toes to bar:
RX and Masters: In the Toes to bar, the athlete must go from a full hang to having
the toes touch the pull-up bar. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the
bottom and the the feet must be brought back to behind the bar, not out front. Both
feet must touch the bar together at some point. The arms can be bent or straight.
Scaled: For scaled the hanging knee raise begins just like the toes-to-bar but ends
when the athlete has raised their knees above the height of their hip.
Bench Press: Athlete will lay on the bench, and may get a lift-off from their spotter.
Lift begins with the elbows fully locked out at the top, the bar will then be lowered
and MUST touch the chest. The lift ends with the arms fully locked out above the
body, BEFORE re-racking. You may not drop the rep into the rack. If the spotter must
touch the bar, (besides from the initial lift off, or an assist back into the rack after
final lockout) that will be considered a NO-REP.”
Icing: Judge the workout.