
Clean Eating Challenge participants remember to turn in your score sheets today. Make sure that you include your weight today, (8/31), in the appropriate spot on the sheet. You do not need to report a score via the web today unless you do not turn in your scoresheet. New scoresheets will be given to those who turn in their scoresheets. If you email your scoresheet make sure that it is completely filled out. I will email you a new one if you go that route. If you did not buy in for September you can do so for $15 due by Thursday.

Warm-up: Spend 10 min setting up your bar, KB, and box for the WOD. During that time do some of each of the required movements to get warmed up. You are going to need to think about the weights and how to be efficient. 


For time:
20 DeadLifts (275/185)
200m Run
20 Kb Swings (45/35)
200m Run
20 OH Squats (115/75)
200m Run
20 Burpees
200m Run
20 C2B Pull Ups
200m Run
20 Box Jumps
200m Run
20 Squat Cleans (115/75)
200m Run
40 min time cap.

Icing: get your team together for the HWY 40 Throwdown.