
Open Gym

8:00 – 9:30 am

Come in,


Lift some weights,

Work on skills

Do a WOD from the past week,

Spend time on mobility…..


Next Week we will register for the Hwy 40 Throwdown. The cost is $20 per person, which gets you a t-shirt and lots of fun. Pair up with a fellow Stand Firm CrossFitter, name your team and get involved, you will be glad you did. All three of the in house workouts will be released next week and we will have the entire month to complete them. That allows for a lot of flexibiity.
A revised flyer is below as well as the list of possible movements and weights.
That should help you determine the division your team wants to participate in.

Come On Stand Firmers,
a Golden Kettlebell is at stake!!!



You are invited to participate in the 2nd annual
HWY 40 THROWDOWN! Hosted by CrossFit
**October 10, 2015**

*First 3 works performed at YOUR home gym
All three workouts will be released on Monday September 7th and must be completed and results submitted by Monday September 28th at 6pm.
RXed Male and Female, Masters 45+ years of age, and Scale mens and womens.
This is a team event!
Duo teams of same sex!
Must be registered member at:
(rossFit Steamboat, CrossFit T
hin Air,Trapper CrossFit, or Stand Firm CrossFit.
*$20 Entry Fee gets you a t-shirt, and
prizes for the winners!
Other info:
Waivers must be signed for participation on 10/10



This is a CrossFit event, so please be prepared for anything; this is not an exhaustive list. In all
movements you will be required to hit the full range of motion required of you, so make sure you are
practicing hitting full range of motion in preparation for this event. Please remember that this is a duo
competition, and you will not be doing these movements alone. We will be exposing your strengths and
weaknesses as a team, and you can expect at some point over the weekend to either be the one your
duo is carrying, or be the person who is carrying your duo.


Exercise list w/ MAX weights

                                                                             RX                                   Scaled                                Masters

Deadlift-                                                         250/185 lbs                        185/135 lbs                         205/155 lbs

Back squat-                                                   205/135 lbs                         135/95 lbs                          155/105 lbs
Front squat-                                                  135/95 lbs                             95/65 lbs                           115/85 lbs
Power clean-                                                135/95 lbs                              95/65 lbs                           95/65 lbs

Squat clean-                                                 135/95 lbs                             95/65 lbs                            95/65 lbs
Jerk-                                                              135/95 lbs                            85/55 lbs                            95/65 lbs
Thruster-                                                       135/95 lbs                            85/55 lbs                            95/65 lbs
Overhead squats-                                          95/65 lbs                             45/35 lbs                            85/55 lbs
Power snatch-                                              115/75 lbs                             45/35 lbs                            95/65 lbs
Squat snatch-                                              115/75 lbs                             45/35 lbs                            95/65 lbs
KB swing-                                                      70/53 lbs                              53/35 lbs                            53/35 lbs

Pull-Ups-                                                       Chin over                      Elevated ring rows                     Chin over

Wall Ball-                                            20/14 lbs 10’/9′ Target                  14/12 8’ Target              20/14 10’/9’ Target
Burpees-                                                           Yes                                        Yes                                     Yes

Toes‐to‐Bar-                                                     Yes                              Hanging knee raise                       Yes
Pushups-                                                          Yes                                         Yes                                    Yes
Lunges-                                                            Yes                                         Yes                                    Yes

Odd objects-                                                     Yes                                         Yes                                    Yes
Double Unders-                                                Yes                                      Singles                                  Yes
Rowing-                                                            Yes                                          Yes                                    Yes
Running-                                                          Yes                                          Yes                                    Yes
Tires-                                                               Yes                                          Yes                                    Yes

HSPU-                                                              Yes                                     To target                          To target