
Lots of info to pass on….So read carefully.

We are starting the second month of our Clean Eating Challenge, which means we need to take care of a few things.

  1. Turn in your completed July score sheet to receive your August score sheet. You can also email it to Cal at sevenvslash@hotmail.com and a new one will be emailed to you.
  2. If you only bought in for July and want to continue for another month you can do so for $15, due by Aug 6th.
  3. Those of you that were in for just the month of July you will need to complete the SUMMER CHALLENGE 2015 WOD by the end of the day Wednesday so that we have before and after results.
  4. July only challenge participants do not need to turn in before and after photo’s, since that requirement is only for 90 day participants.
  5. The winners for the month of July will be announced on Thursday.
  6. To get $5 returned to you for July will need to step on the scale at the Box to demonstrate that you have lost a minimum of 5lbs. Or you can have your body fat assessment done to see if you have lost 3% BF.

During the month of August we are going to use CrossFit HQ programming as much as possible. ROUTINE is the ENEMY!!!! There will be days, however, that we will not be able to use the CrossFit.com workouts. On those days we will use WOD’s that you want to repeat from your past. We are calling this MEMORY LANE August. So if there is a WOD that you have a particular affinity to let Cal know so he can have it at the ready. You need the date or the name of the WOD so he can look it up.  Please submit your request ASAP since it will take time to look it up.

Warm-up: 3 Rounds of 4 Corners Lunge Walk between the corners.
10 each of Sit-ups, HR Push-ups, G2OHw/ Plate, Vertical Jump.
Dynamic Stretch

WOD: HQ 140801

8 Rounds for Time:
Run 400m
Rest 90 seconds
Do not include 8th rest in your time.
Scale by rowing 400m

Icing: Handstand Push up work. 25 if you have them.