Be sure to check out our recipe page under NUTRITION on the front page banner. Here is a sample of what you will find.
Coconut Latte Overnight Oats
207 calories | 5g fat | 37g carbs | 4g fiber | 10g sugar | 5g protein
- 1 cup rolled oats
- ¼ cup coconut water*
- ¼ cup + 1T brewed coffee
- ¼ cup + 1 T almond milk (I used Almond Breeze 60 calorie)
- 1 tablespoon maple syrup or honey**
- 1 tablespoon coconut cream*
- dash of cinnamon
- Place all ingredients in a medium size tupperware and mix.
- Then, transfer the tupperware into the fridge for 2 hours or overnight.
- The next morning, add a few more tablespoons of almond milk, if need be.
For the coconut water and coconut cream, I used a refrigerated can of full-fat coconut milk, which separate into solid and liquid when chilled. Scrape the cream out of the can to access the water at the bottom of the can.
*If you did not use sweetened almond milk, feel free to add a bit more maple syrup/honey.
*If you did not use sweetened almond milk, feel free to add a bit more maple syrup/honey.
Warm-up: Row 500m. then 2 Rounds of 15 Wallball, 16 Shoulder Touch, 10 AH Swings. Dynamic Stretch (Shoulders)
Strength: Push Press
7 Min.
3 Reps EMOM @ 70%
L2: 60%
15-10-6 reps for time of:
Thrusters 135/95 Rx+165/115
Bar muscle-ups Jumping muscle-ups 2/1
Men use 165 lb., women use 115 lb.
Icing: Foam Roll the Back Side