
I came across this article thought you might like it.

10 Signs You’re Becoming a Fit Girl

By the awesome people at Eat To Perform, and edited for your viewing pleasure by Courtney Shepherd at CrossFit Verve. For entire article Click HERE.

We spend an hour a day (maybe more) in the gym working on our snatch, deadlift, back squat, pull-ups, etc. We go home and make our best efforts to practice good nutritional habits. We do this because we have begun to appreciate how strong we can be and when we take care of it, all the amazing things our bodies can do. After all this time, effort, and work, at the end of the day we thought our biggest problem was that we couldn’t figure out how to fit in a WOD when we go on vacation. . . as it turns out, CrossFit has created bigger problems for us.
1) Shopping is going to be your most dreaded task.
Try being in shape—having muscular legs, a booty, and a thick back. You will struggle to find anything thing that fits you right! Even clothes that are made for working out are going to leave you irate at times. When you have to go up 3 dress sizes because your back won’t fit into the size your waist and hips do, you know you have struck the jacked lottery!
2) People will ask to feel your muscles.
This one I still don’t understand but hey, maybe it’s like the equivalent of asking a pregnant lady to feel her belly? I can’t say for sure (I have never been pregnant) but I can’t tell you the number of times someone has asked if they can feel my biceps, or asked me to flex for them. I am not sure about everyone else, but this is always super awkward and you’re faced with a dilemma – either brushing it off with a giggle, or actually letting this random person touch you. It’s a dilemma of greatness!
3) Everyone is going to ask if you take steroids.
I have training partners who used to tell me “That just means you are good, and shattering others expectations.” Sure that’s cool to think about the first few times it happens, but then it’s old. Sometimes I just answer with, “Duh, didn’t you know every strong female who lifts and builds muscle is on juice? Remember, women can’t build muscle like men”…or something dumb like that. Plus, we have to downplay a shit ton of hard work and come up with other reasons women get muscles so we can feel better about ourselves. Take it as accomplishing a new level of greatness.
4) Having to wear “normal people” clothes is going to be a struggle.
Remember number 1, where shopping makes you want to pull your hair out? So will getting invited to events where you can’t just wear your sweats and be happy. This literally means any event that calls for anything fancier than your nicest yoga pants is going to cause you anxiety. I have to base my acceptance of invitations based on whether or not I will stand in agony for hours staring in my closet trying to find something that’s acceptable for those normal people events.
5) You are going to check squat depth any time you bend down.
I am not making this up; sooner or later you are going to be practicing your squat form every time you drop something, or sit on the toilet. It’s like a rite of passage or something. You might practice your deadlift lockout more times outside of the gym than on actual deadlift day. I mean why not?! Why waste that opportunity to improve upon that sought after awesomeness! I think every time I bend/lean over I think about my deadlift form!
6) You will have bruises all over that people are going to ask about.
This is one of my favorites about being a lifter! I mean, besides being strong and all that stuff… that’s kind of cool too, but I enjoy when others ask about my weird bruises. Those who understand them make me even happier! It’s like a badge of honor you wear and think is totally normal, while others will question your safety. Either way—you get a great laugh and great facial expressions explaining them.
7) Your shoe collection will change.
You will no longer own a bazillion pairs of those cute high-heeled pumps (well maybe you will) but you will soon start to see the beauty in sneakers, weightlifting shoes, cross trainers—anything that you can wear to the gym! Your bag may be filled with 3-4 pairs at any given time as well. People will notice and comment on this.
8) You will avoid things that could mess up your training.
This can be in any situation—going out all night drinking, your diet choices, and your choices in friends. Anything. When you are someone who loves the gym and you’re dedicated to lifting weights and living that lifestyle, you will make choices that support that.
9) You can carry your groceries all by yourself.
Yah, having help is great and always appreciated but having the physical means to do so will reassure yourself of your strength and capabilities. Plus, don’t act like it’s not a race or competition to see if you can carry all the bags in with one trip! You know you have all done it.
10) You will miss lifting when you are unable to do so.
I have come to appreciate missing the gym. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, or something, right?! But in all honestly, I believe this is a sign you are truly a lifter, and truly committed to this stuff! This is something most will not understand, but those who partake in the strength journey and love training will totally know this feeling!

Bucking Bales

Warm-up: Jog to Lois Lane, Agility, Dynamic Stretch.

Strength: Back Squat
L1: 75% 4×5
L2: 70%


5 Rounds for time:
15 Wallball 20/14
100m KB Farmers Carry 90/70
15 G2OH w/plate 45/25
15 T2B
30 Min Time Cap

Icing: Shoulder Mobility