Today is the last day to get in on this month’s Clean Eating Challenge.
You need to pay, get your weight in, and be fat tested today.
For all Challenge participants, make sure that you are filling out your score sheet everyday.
You must turn in your weekly points through Sunday night as well as your Monday morning body weight by 8:00 pm Monday evening. That is a slight change from the original requirement of Monday at noon. That should help out those of you that don’t have access to a scale or computer.
Have you taken your before Photos??? Get R Done!!!
Warm-up: Run to the ACE sign and back (400m), 2 rounds of 10 Medball Cleans, 10 KB Swings Dynamic Stretch BBWU
Two Position Clean example
Strength: 2 Position Clean
L1: 50% 4×1 60% 4×1 70% 3×2
L2: Minus 10%
L3: Hang Clean only
3 Rounds For Time:
400m. Run
21 KB Swings 45/35
12 Pullups
Icing: Mini Pistols 30 reps each leg.