
Summer 2015 Clean Eating Challenge starts today.  If you did not get the email I sent out containing all the info about the Challenge please get in touch with Cal asap.  I guarantee if you do this challenge you will amaze yourself and those around you.  It will not be easy and you will stumble at times but it will make a difference in your life if you take the risk and gut it out.

Warm-up: Row 500m. 2 rounds of 10 HR push ups, 10 wallball, 10 tuck jumps. Dynamic Stretch.

Snatch Deadlift Examples

Strength: Snatch Deadlift
L1: 50% 5×5
L2: Minus 10%
L3: Minus 15%


3 Rounds for time:
5 Bar OH Step-ups
10 Frt. Squat
10 Front Rack Step-ups
15 Back Squat
15 Back Rack Step-ups
Rest 2 min between rounds.
Men 95# on the Bar
Women 65# on the Bar
Both Men and women step up to 16″

Icing: Roll out your back and hamstrings.