Warm-up: 3 rounds of 10 Wallball, 10 HR Push-ups, 10 AH swings. Dynamic Stretch
Strength: 3RM Push Press
1. No delay between reps.
2. Full knee, elbow, hip extension with bar over head.
3. Demonstrate control of the bar OH with feet under the shoulders.
21-15-9 reps For Time:
Body Rows / Jumping Muscle Ups
Rest 3 Min.
Box Jumps 24/20 / Row for Calorie
Watch clock and rest 3 minutes as soon as you finish your 1st round.
Compare to 4.19.13
Icing: Double Under skill work / 3 x Max Unbroken.
A peek at a portion of the Clean Eating Challenge Summer 2015 Rules