Get those goals up on the door if you haven’t already.
Remember, “Vie have our vays!!!”
Warm-up: 3 Rounds of 15 Band Pull Aparts, 15 KB Swings, 15 Air Squats. Dynamic Stretch
Strength: 3RM Deadlift
1. No delay between reps.
2. No regripping the bar between reps.
When MECHANICS breakdown your done!!!
15 Min AMRAP
5 Deadlift 50% 3RM
5 Burpee over the bar
5 Weighted Situps 30/20
Icing: Muscle Up Skill Work
4×3 if you have them.
We are 1 week away from starting our 2nd Clean Eating/Change Your Life Challenge. We will dispense more details through the course of this week on this, the WOD page. That information will then be posted on the SFXF Clean Eating Challenge page for future reference. Karla provided us with the image below to help you start thinking about your eating and the challenge.