Warm-up: 200 Clicks then 2 Rounds of 15 KB Swing 15 KBSDLHP. Dynamic Stretch
Strength: Split Jerk/GHD Raises
L1: 65% 10+8×1 75% 8+8×1 85% 6+8×1
L2: Minus 5%
L3: Focus on Correct Mechanics, use appropriate wt.
As a team cycle through the following exercises keeping track of your total reps.
2:30 Sec. interval follwed by 30 sec rest
GHD Situps (Same Time on both GHD’s)
UP and Overs (Working Together)
Partner Wallball (Back and Forth off the Wall)
Deadlift @ 50% + 50% (Both on the bar at same time lifting each persons 50%1RM.)
Box Jump 24/20 (Alternate Back and Forth Jump for Jump)
Tire Flips (Back and Forth)
Battling Rope (Each has one end of the rope, Serpentine Pattern. Must be in rythm.)
Icing: 30 Hip Extension (Watch the Video from the beginning.)