
Running LiarA heads up >>>> Wednesday after we finish the strength portion of the workout,
we will go up to the high school track to run a 1600m.
Bring shoes that you want to run in. Remember this can be scaled, so DO NOT be intimidated.
It is all about FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT….what if you had to get from point A to point B
in an emergency and your only mode of transportation was on foot. Could you do it?


Warm-up: 3 Rounds of Row 15 Calories, 15 KB Swing, 10 KBSDLHP, Dynamic Stretch

Strength: Deadlift/GHD Raises
L1 65%10+8×1    75% 8+8×1    85% 6+8×1
L2 Minus 5%
L3 Minus 10%

Here is how to do GRACE!!!


For Time:
30 Clean and Jerk 135/95

Icing: Muscle Up Skill Work or 15 MU