
Why so heavy?Heavy Deadlift

From the Poliquin Group: In a study that compared light and moderate weight lifting, women that did 2 sets of 8 at heavy 70% of their 1 rep max burned double the calories in the hour after exercise as the group that did 2 sets of 15 at a light 35% of their 1 rep max.
Lifting heavy is also a protective measure for your body. Lifting heavy strengthens connective tissues. By loading the body with heavy weights, bones, collagen, ligaments, and tendons are put under pressure and remodeling and become stronger. Of course good form plays an important role, but that’s what your coaches are there for.
Bottom line is we all love a good sweat filled workout that leaves us on the ground gasping for air, but lifting heavy has many benefits and should be done at least twice a week.

Warm-up: 1/2 Tabata Jumping Jacks, Good Mornings, Sit-ups. Dynamic Stretch

Strength: Deadllift/GHD Raises
L1 65%10+8×1 75% 8+8×1 85% 6+8×1
L2 < 5%
L3 <10%


7 Box Jumps 24/20
7 Front Squats 75/55
7 Push Press 75/55
If you complete 7 Rounds then you earn the right to go 5 more minutes!!!!

Compare to 4.18.13

Icing: Muscle Up Progression