
The Murph Challenge - Official Host


8:00 to 9:30 AM

Come in, warm-up, do a WOD,
do some lifting, work on skills,
spend time on mobility…..GET BETTER!!!!

Those who took on the Murphy Hero WOD challenge.  Everybody did a great job.

Those from Stand Firm CrossFit who took on the Murphy Hero WOD challenge in 2014. Everybody did a great job.

We will be doing MURPHY” on Saturday the 23rd. If you want to contribute to the Murphy Challenge Foundation click on the logo above or below.  You can read about the origin of the MURPHY workout, where your money goes and get registered.  You will get a t-shirt and be part of a world wide leader-board. The money very definitely goes to a good cause.

The Murph Challenge - Official Host