Warm-up: Jog 3 Min with footwork. Dynamic Stretch. BBWU for Clean
Strength– Squat Clean*
65%x8 70%x6 75%x4
Two person teams for time:
100 Slamball 40-30 > OH Slamball Hold 30/20
100 Bar Dip > DeadLift Hold 185/125
100 GHD Sit-ups > Plank
200 Double Unders 3/1> Wall Sit
Time Cap 30 Min.
Complete one set of exercises before moving on.
Reps only count if partner maintains the isometric hold position.
If you run out of time total reps completed is your score.
Icing– Shoulder Mobility.
Two Videos to help you with Shoulder Mobility.
Pre-Workout/Get your shoulders warmed up for the days activity
Post Workout/These are stretches that should be held for 90 secs. to 2 minutes.