
No Nonsense

No Nonsense



Crackin Katie 2

Fun Loving.



Can you name this infamous member of SFXF. I’ll give you a hint……SOXX, alias Crack’in in her 1st life. So, here is the deal,  Saturday night in Lakewood, the 4 Corners Rollergirls face off with the South Side Derby Dames. Tami and I are going to go if anyone else wants to go you can hop in with us till the car is full. The match starts at 7:00 pm at Rocky Mountain Roller Hockey, 3606 S. Independence St, Lakewood, CO. Close to the intersection of Kipling and Hampton(HWY 285). 


Warm-up: 3 Rounds of 10 each Partner Wallball, Side Toss, Sit-ups Dynamic Stretch


3×3 Min AMRAP’s
1 min rest between each AMRAP 
Start where you leave off from previous round.
5 Slamball 40/30
5 T2B
5 Burpee

Strength: Front Squat/ Back Squat
65% 4+4×1    70% 4+4×1    80 % 4+4×1

Icing: Muscle Up Progression
2×10 Arc/Hollow Swings, Hip Pops, Banded Transitions