
FYI: Starting tomorrow we are changing the Saturday format to an OPEN GYM.
You can do a WOD, Weight Train, Work on Skills and spend time on Mobility.
The Box will be open from 8:00 am to 9:30. Do not show up later than 8:30!!!!


Warm-up: 2 Rounds 10 Wallball, 14 Shoulder Touches, 10 Arch Hollow Swings (see Video above).
Then 200 clicks. Dynamic Stretch

Strength: OHS
50% 10×1 60% 5×1 70% 3×3


1 min. work with 30 sec. rest for 2 rounds.
Push Press 45/35
Tire Jumps (in/out = 1)
Double Unders 3/1
Slam Ball 30/20
Games Situps
Straight Bar Arm Curl 45/25
Total reps is your score.

Icing: Shoulder Mobilty