
Can you see the resemblence to anyone in the box.  I will give you a hint......Buck_______.

Can you see the resemblence to anyone in the box. I will give you a hint……Buck_______.

Warm-up: 3 Rounds of Partner WB, Side Toss and Sit-ups. Dynamic Stretch

Strength: Snatch High Pull/Squat Snatch
50% 5+3×4

Snatch High Pull

Squat Snatch

WOD: 1st Annual SFXF Fishing Derby

Row 4 cycles of the Concept II Fish Game.
If you want in the derby, the buy in is $1.
Keep track of your score for each round and total at the end.
You may rest as long as you want between each game.
Winner take all for most points through 4 cycles.

Icing: 15 HSPU