The last two months have been amazing. The Clean Eating Challenge and then the CrossFit Open. It has been an adventure and an amazing learning experience. The entire box has been working hard at improving their total fitness. Summer is just around the corner, the doors are open and we can start doing some of our work outside. The morning crew will still be indoors for the most part but in the afternoon you can expect to spend some time running and WODing outside. You might want to drag the bike out, air up the tires, silicone the chain and find your helmet. Be sure to check the WOD of the Day everyday so you are prepared.
Starting this coming Saturday, (4/4), we are going to change the Saturday format. The Box will be open from 8:00 am to 9:30 am for multiple activities. You can work on skills, take part in a WOD you missed during the previous week or focus on your weight-lifting, and or work on your mobility. Saturdays be labeled as “OPEN GYM”. If you are going to do a WOD make sure you come in with plenty of time to warm-up.
Warm-up – Row 750m., 2 Rounds of 15 squats, 15 KB Swings, 15 KBSDLHP. Dynamic Stretch
Clean High Pull
Hang Squat Clean
Strength – Clean High Pull/Hang Squat Clean
50% SQ Clean 1RM 3+3×4
Emphisis is on Quality Work.
If you want to go heavier do it as ling as mechanics are solid.
For Time:
42 Wallball
21 Toes 2 Bar
30 Wallball
15 Toes 2 Bar
18 Wallball
9 Toes 2 Bar
Icing – 10 Muscle Ups or MU Skill Work