Warm-up – 3 Rounds of 15 squat, 5 burpee, 15 situps. Dynamic Stretch
Strength – KB Snatch
3×8 each arm
WOD: KB 300
5 rounds for time:
30 KB Swing 35/25
15 KB Snatch Rt Arm
15 KB Snatch Lt Arm
Icing – 8 Wallwalks
Warm-up – 3 Rounds of 15 squat, 5 burpee, 15 situps. Dynamic Stretch
Strength – KB Snatch
3×8 each arm
5 rounds for time:
30 KB Swing 35/25
15 KB Snatch Rt Arm
15 KB Snatch Lt Arm
Icing – 8 Wallwalks