
Sunday’s, post Stand Firm Challenge 30 Party was a great time.  Thanks to all who attended and who brought some great food to eat. Pearl’s cake and cookies were amazing and we loved the indulgence for sure.  Congrats to the winners of the challenge, Steve, Cindy and In the Zone.  for those of you who could not attend, see Cal for any pay back money you might be entitled to.

 Womens winner Cindy , Mens winner Steve and Julia who is leaving for Salt Lake City.

Womens winner Cindy , Mens winner Steve and Coach Julia who is leaving for Salt Lake City.

Warm-up – Row 750m. 15 HR Push-ups, 16 Lunges, 10 Pull-ups.  Dynamic Stretch

Strength – Clean & Jerk
BBWU then 50% 8×3


5 x 3 min. AMRAP
1 min. rest

Start the next round where you left off.

3 Clean & Jerk
5 Pullups
7 Slamball

Icing – Shoulder Mobility