
We still need teams to submit your Challenge 30 scores for week 2.
5 Point deduction for late scores!!!!!

Stand Firm CrossFit will be hosting Friday Night Lights this week at 6:15 pm.
CrossFit Thin Air will be joining us for a team WOD.   

Warm-up – 250 Clicks, Dynamic Stretch, BBWU for Clean

Strength – 15 Min to Establish 1RM Squat Clean
6×50%    4×60%    2×90%    Then heavy singles to your 1 RM


2 Man teams for total reps and calories.
Partner A Row 2 Min for Calorie/Partner B 1/2 Tabata KB Swing 45/35
Rest 30 sec. and switch positions then repeat
Rest 30 sec.
Partner B Row 2 Min. for Calorie/Partner A 1/2 Tabata Wallball
Rest 30 sec. and switch positions then repeat.
Rest 30 sec.
Partner A Row 2 Min. for Calorie/Partner B 1/2 Tabata Burpee
Rest 30 sec. and switch positions then repeat.

Icing – 25 Pistols or Modified Pistols Each leg