For those of you who are interested in taking the Judges Course for the CrossFit Open, copy and patch this link, into your browser. The judges course will improve your CrossFit understanding and it will make you a better athlete. Not to mention it will improve our quality of judging the Friday open workouts which begin on the 27th.
The cost is $10, which I will refund to you when you present me with your certificate.
Warm-up – 3 Rounds of Partner Wallball, Side Toss, Situps
Strength –Deadlift/Wt. Pullups
80% 3+3×1 85% 3+3×1 90% 1+1×2 95% 1+1x2
10 Rounds for Time:
30 Double Unders 2/1
3 Muscle Ups / 6 Jumping Muscle Ups
5 KB SDLHP 55/35
Icing – 5 Rope Climbs or Rope Climbing Skill Work