


For those of you who are interested in taking the Judges Course for the CrossFit Open, copy and  patch this link, https://oc.crossfit.com. into your browser. The judges course will improve your CrossFit understanding and it will make you a better athlete. Not to mention it will improve our quality of judging the Friday open workouts which begin on the 27th.

The cost is $10, which I will refund to you when you present me with your certificate.


Warm-up – 3 Rounds of Partner Wallball, Side Toss, Situps

StrengthDeadlift/Wt. Pullups
80% 3+3×1     85% 3+3×1     90% 1+1×2     95% 1+1x2


10 Rounds for Time:
30 Double Unders 2/1
3 Muscle Ups / 6 Jumping Muscle Ups
5 KB SDLHP 55/35

Icing – 5 Rope Climbs or Rope Climbing Skill Work