Teams need to report their 1st week results at the Box by Wednesday evening. We will have a Scoreboard on display that will show how each team is doing. If you want to appoint a team captain to gather each team members data that might be a good idea.
There have been a few questions of how to score the ACTIVE RECOVERY. ACTIVE RECOVERY, is a rest day that involves some sort of activity which is not looked at as a workout or an activity in which you are thinking about “getting exercise”, ie fishing, walking the dog, an easy bike ride. If you’re intension is to get in a workout or “get some exercise”, you would be scoring it as a non-CrossFit workout. You can only mark one number in the Exercise/orange columns per day, you cannot have multiple workouts or recovery in one day.
Warm-up – Row 5 Min 2 rounds of 16 Shoulder Touches, 15 Situps, 10 Jump Lunges. Stretch
Strength – Strict Press/Push Jerk
80% 3+3×1 85% 3+3×1 90% 1+1×2 95% 1+1×2
WOD: 2-4-6-8
2 min. AMRAP
Rest 1 min.
4 min. AMRAP
10 T2B
15 Air Squat
Rest 1 min.
6 min. AMRAP
15 KB Swing 45/35
10 Medball Clean 20/14
Rest 1 min.
8 min. Row for Calorie
Keep track of total reps and calorie for score.
Icing – Shoulder Mobility