Getting Started

Get Started Today!

At Stand Firm CrossFit, we believe that the best way to understand CrossFit, is to do it! We offer a variety of ways to get you started!

Come In…Right Now!

Come try a class…any class, for free!  Call Matt at 970/531.5216 to set up a time to come in for an exploritory class.  We will explain everything you need to know, get you the forms to fill out, and get you started.  You can also email us at to start up.

Fundamentals Course

The Fundamentals Course is designed to teach the essential elements of the CrossFit modality.  You will learn fundamental movements that go on everyday in CrossFit workouts.  You will learn the weightlifting movements that we do in our daily workouts. You will learn how to scale a workout to meet your capabilities and needs. And you will be exposed to a WOD (workout of the day).  The goal of the fundamentals class is to get you ready and comfortable to participate in the regular CrossFit classes.

The Fundamentals Course normally consists of four 1 hour classes over a two week period.  If it takes longer, a class or two, that’s ok.  We want to get you prepared for success.

The price for this course is $125.   Once you finish the four fundamentals classes you can participate in as many CrossFit classes as you like for the remainder of the month.  After that you need to pay at the beginning of the month for your Crossfit membership.  Call Matt ar 970/531.5216 to get started on your adventure to a better life.

Testing Out 

Experienced CrossFitter?  Set up a time to meet with Matt, and he can test you out to make sure you are proficient in the movements, and don’t require Fundamentals, email us at or call Matt at 970/531.5216.