The next edition of the Stand Firm CrossFit Clean Eating Challenge begins on Monday, 8.15.16. If you are new to Stand Firm I encourage you to get involved. If you are an experienced CrossFitter, I encourage you to get involved. Nutrition is the most important part of fitness, yet it is the element we tend to neglect. We will bust our butts in the gym day after day and see some change and some improvement. Why is it only some improvement? You need to get the nutrition piece taken care of.
Monday we will complete the Pre-Challenge WOD and perform skin-fold tests to determine your body-fat.
There is a box in the front room to put your goals for the challenge in, along with your payment of $25. Your goals need to be clearly identifiable and measurable. Good Example: I will lose 10 lbs. Bad Example: I will feel better at the end of the challenge.
Make sure that you take some pictures of yourself this weekend. Front, Back and Side view. You will be amazed at the change at the end of 30 days.
Here is a link to our Stand Firm Facebook page which provides some good info during the challenge. Click here
You can gain more information from our NUTRITION page as well. There you can see information on Paleo and Zone diet information as well as recipes. Click Here
Kate Eastman is large and in charge of this challenge. Questions can be directed to her at keastman114@gmail.com
Below is information from past challenges that you can look at and learn from. I will be putting new information up during the next 30 days so check this page out often.
The results of the 45 Day Mid Winter Clean Eating Challenge are:
Team Winners: Mitchy and the Boys – Steve Penrose, Greg Gardner and Mitch Gardner
Individual Women Winners: 1st Place Tammy Eatough, 2nd Place Helen Cuccio, 3rd Place Kristin Erickson.
Individual Male Winners: 1st Place Michael Parmenter, 2nd Place Greg Gardner, 3rd Place Keith Eatough.
Clean Eating Challenge Winners
Steve Penrose, Greg Gardner, Michael Parmenter, Tammy Eatough, Kristin Erickson and Mitch Gardner. (Not pictured Helen Cuccio and Keith Eatough)
This the last week of the Clean Eating Challenge. There is a lot going on, so read carefully the following list of instructions.
- Scores for the past week, (2.22-2.28) must be posted on the door, as normal, by the end of the day Tuesday, (3.1), by team leaders.
- Scores for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week must be posted on the door by the end of the day Thursday. (3.3), by team leaders.
- Team Leaders need to collect and turn in completed score sheets from all of your team members by the end of the day Thursday, (3.3). Please have all of your team score sheets stapled, paper clipped or in an envelope together.
- The post Challenge WOD will be conducted on Wednesday. Make sure you use the same exact setup for the workout that you used on the Pre Challenge WOD. Be sure to put the results of your two workouts on the score sheet in the appropriate space. If you cannot attend the Post Challenge WOD you must make arrangements before Wednesday to set up another time.
- Post Challenge Weigh-in and Body Fat Analysis will occur prior to the WOD on Wednesday, (3.2). You need to be fully hydrated for this assessment. Please drink lots of fluids in the 12 hours leading up to the time when you come in to do the assessment and WOD. We are not going to do multiple assessments if you are poorly hydrated. Make sure to write your results of the weigh-in and the Body Fat assessment on your score sheet in the correct space.
- Results of the Clean Eating Challenge will be announced after Friday Night Lights on March 11th. We will have a celebration of the Clean Eating Challenge as well as the completion of 16.3. If you do not take part in the workout that evening we still want you to come in for the Clean Eating Party and awards presentation. Bring along a little finger food and some drink.
Clean Eating Challenge participants, make sure your score sheet is up to date and ready to turn in next week. Your team leader will collect and submit their team’s completed score sheets, no later than Thursday March 3rd. Do not hand your score sheet to Tami or Cal individually. Be sure your score sheet is filled out completely. There is a lot there so be attentive….individual goals, team goals, Body Fat results, weigh-in and out results, eating, sleeping, mobility, water intake etc….
Use this list to help you avoid High Glycemic foods. Remember if a food is on the high glycemic list it may be OK if your portion size is small. Do the calculation to determine the Glycemic Load.
This list might be good to take with you to the store this week.
Watch a short video about the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load, then answer the following multiple choice questions. Send your answers via E-mail to Cal at sevenvslash@hotmail.com. using this format:
Cal Cherrington
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. B
You will be awarded 2 individual bonus points if all your answers are correct and submitted in the correct manner and format. If all your teammates fulfill the same requirements your team will be awarded 5 bonus points as well. Remember all bonus points will be added to individual and team score at the conclusion of the challenge.
The deadline for submission of answers is 12 noon on Friday, 2/19. Only one submission from each clean eating participant will be accepted, there are no redo’s on this knowledge challenge.
Knowledge Questions
1. What are the characteristics high GI carbs , sometimes called “gushers”?
A. Digested quickly, GI value of 70+, produces a slow gradual release of glucose into the blood.
B. Slowly digested, GI value of 70+, produces a slow gradual release of glucose into the blood.
C. Digested quickly, produces a rapid release of after meal glucose into the blood.
D. All of the above.
2. Glycemic Load is___________________.
A. a measurement of how much insulin will be released from the pancreas when a specific carbohydrate is ingested.
B. used to determine how high blood glucose levels will rise after eating a specific amount of a specific carbohydrate.
C. measured in grams.
D. used to define the digestive quality of a carbohydrate.
E. All of the Above
F. B and C
3. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. The Glycemic Index is a measure of the quality and the quantity of carbohydrates.
B. The Glycemic Load takes into account the amount of a specific carbohydtrate being ingested while the Glycemic index does not.
C. It is possible for a carbohydrate to be ranked high on the Glycemic Index and yet have a low Glycemic Load.
D. All statements are correct.
4. Which of the equations below are used to determine the Glycemic Load of a carbohydrate?
A. GL= amount of carbs in grams, multiplied by the foods glycemic index, divided by 100
B. GL= the quantity of a protein in grams, multiplied by the amount of carbohydrate eaten with it, divided by 100
C. GL = a carbohydrates glycemic index divided by 100, multiplied by the grams of carbohydrate to be ingested.
D. All of the above equations will work.
Posted in the Gym, on the office door, is the Clean Eating Challenge “Super Bowl Forgiveness Contest“ sign-up sheet. If you pick the winning team you can earn 2 individual points. If you pick the MVP of the game you can earn another 2 individual points. You must personally sign up. DON’T SEND A SURROGATE. Contest closes at the end of class Saturday. You may want to use the points for the celebration after the game!!!!
Watch the video and answer all 3 questions correctly to receive 2 bonus individual points. If you receive the points they will be added at the end of the challenge. Submit your answers via e-mail to Cal at sevenvslash@hotmail.com. Answer should include question # and a complete answer. Deadline is Midnight 2/1/16. Questions are below the video.
1. When we eat carbohydrates, what are they converted into to provide energy for the cells body?
2. What is the function of insulin in our metabolic process?
3. Explain what cannot happen as long as there is insulin present in the blood?
Looking for something tasty to eat this weekend. Check this out.
In this video, Nick Massie of PaleoNick.com shares his recipe for chipotle chicken frittata, a delicious dish that combines eggs, ground chicken, bacon and veggies for a savory breakfast-inspired meal you can enjoy anytime.
First Massie tosses the chopped bacon into a preheated cast-iron skillet, rendering the fat to “provide the cooking agent for our chicken, our veggies.”
Once the bacon, chicken and veggies are browned and seasoned, he slices baked yams and layers them in the bottom of a baking dish, where they serve as the crust for the frittata.
He spreads the meat-and-veggies mixture over the yams, pours blended eggs over the top and bakes until everything is golden brown.
For finishing touches, he prepares a batch of his salsa chipotle and chops a few sprigs of cilantro for garnish.
To download the recipe for chipotle chicken frittata, click here.
Video by Nick Massie.
Watch this short video on Motivation to find the answers needed for Knowledge Challenge #2.
Your text to 303.921.6394 must include the question #, the answer, and your name.
Answers must be received no later that midnight 1.28.16
- What is the strongest motivator for sustained behavioral change?
- How many gym memberships go unused?
- When economic and/or emotional pressure is applied to a person performing a task performance levels are often impacted negatively. What is this called?
- What two areas of the brain are linked to self motivation?
21 Day Sugar Detox Extra Crispy Waffles
Thanks to Jill Green for this tasty meal.
Yeild 5 waffles.
3/4 Cup + 1 tsp Almond Flour
1/2 Cup +1 1/2 tsp Arrowroot Starch
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp Sea Salt
1 Egg
1/2 Cup + 2tbsp Non-Dairy Milk (Almond Milk, Coconut Milk)
1/2 Cup+1 tsp Melted Butter
1 tsp Lemon Juice or Apple Cider Vinegar
What about Syrup?
1. If you are on the Zone you can have 100% Maple Syrup or Honey.
2. If you are Paleo make a syrup out of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. Heat them up in a pan and pour the mixed contents over your waffles. Yum!!!
1. In a large mixing bowl combine the almond flour, arrowroot starch, baking powder, and salt until well combined. Add in the remaining ingredients and stir until well combined.
2. Oil the preheated waffle iron and pour 1/3 cup into the center of the iron. Cook for 2-3 minutes.
This information is compliments of CrossFit Impulse in Madison, AL.
Why fish oil?
The short story is that your body needs Omega 3 fatty acids for all of life’s important functions: thinking, tissue repair, everything. The human diet 40,000 years ago provided us with plenty of Omega 3s. Our modern diet provides us with very little, even when eating healthy as CrossFitters do. Fish oil is the single best way to get the Omega 3s that your body needs. We’ve written a complete resource called “Why Fish Oil?” that will explain the nitty gritty facts behind why we use it and how we use it. Give it a read for the full story. The short story is that fish oil is the single easiest step you can take towards a solid CrossFit diet. Be sure to click on the link above for great info.
Watch two of the top crossfitters in Colorado do the Zone Diet
Stand Firm CrossFit
Mid Winter 45 Day
Clean Eating Challenge
Let’s be the Best we can be!
Get TWO OARS in the water
Challenge begins 1/18/16………..Challenge Ends 3/2/16
What is the challenge all about?
You will publicly commit to do the following for 45 days-
1. Eat a clean diet (non-inflammatory whole foods with balanced protein/fats/carbs)
2. Take before/after body fat test, (Cal can do this).
3. Take before/after photos, (optional/recommended).
4. Join a team- we will assist with this. Each team will choose a leader, set goals, support each other and hold each other accountable. Team Leaders will report their team’s scores by the end of the day Tuesday.
5. Participate in pre and post challenge WOD fitness test.
6. Workout 4 to 5 times per week. Not all of these have to be CrossFit workouts.
7. Keep a daily log of points and workouts. Spreadsheet will be provided.
8. Cut out all alcohol, processed juice, soda/diet soda, processed foods, grains, and other inflammatory foods.
9. Drink lots of water. ½ your body weight in ounces.
10. Get 7 hours of quality sleep per night.
Set 2 Personal goals: These goals must be clearly identifiable and measurable.
Set 2 Team goals: These goals must be clearly identifiable and measurable.
Make a plan: Now is the time to clean out your cabinets and get rid of all the “stuff” that screams your name when you open the door. DO NOT let food control you. We are in control of food and what goes into our bodies.
How points are earned.
- Earn 1 point for each completely clean meal, up to 3 points per day.
- Earn 1 point for your paleo snacks, up to two a day. This is where most people blow it. Plan ahead and don’t allow yourself to get to the, I’m starving mode, where you grab junk to eat.
- Earn 1 point for drinking 1 fluid ounce of water equal to ½ your body weight.
- Deduct 2 points for consumption of any alcohol, soda or other sweetened drinks.
- Unsweetened coffee and tea are OK
- Earn 2 points for a CrossFit Workout – max 10 points per week
- Earn 1 point for Non CrossFit Workout – only one workout per day. You cannot piggy back a CrossFit workout and a non-CrossFit workout into one day.
- Daily Mobility – max 1 point/day. To earn this point you must spend at least 15 min in the “pain cave”, on your own, doing mobility. This includes stretching, foam rolling, lacrosse ball time, etc.
- Earn 1 point for 7 hours of quality sleep. Dark room, no electronic devices blinking, quiet, etc.
Resources – click on any of these links below for great information.
zonediet.com If you want to be able to eat a little of everything and still get fantastic results here is the place to go. (penalties still apply for alcohol, etc)
stupideasypaleo.com A very good source of information.
The Basics of Clean Eating
• Clean Eating defined: Clean eating is eating foods as close to their natural/whole state as possible. Clean eating is eating foods that come from the ground or have a mother.
Reasons for Clean Eating
• Overall health and immune system support
• Reduces inflammation in the body
• Weight loss
• Preventing and curing disease and illness
• Improved physical performance and recovery from physical activity
What Should I be Eating in the Challenge?
• In plain language, base your diet on garden vegetables, especially greens, lean meats, nuts and seeds, little starch, and no sugar. That’s about as simple as we can get. Many have observed that keeping your grocery cart to the perimeter of the grocery store while avoiding the aisles is a great way to protect your health. Food is perishable. The stuff with long shelf life is all suspect. If you follow these simple guidelines you will benefit from nearly all that can be achieved through nutrition.
• The following websites will provide you with approved foods for the challenge.
What Foods Should I Avoid?
Excessive consumption of high-glycemic carbohydrates is the primary culprit in nutritionally caused health problems. High glycemic carbohydrates are those that raise blood sugar too rapidly. They include rice, bread, candy, potato, sweets, sodas, and most processed carbohydrates. Processing can include bleaching, baking, grinding, and refining. Processing of carbohydrates greatly increases their glycemic index, a measure of their propensity to elevate blood sugar.
What is the Problem with High-Glycemic Carbohydrates?
The problem with high-glycemic carbohydrates is that they give an inordinate insulin response. Insulin is an essential hormone for life, yet acute, chronic elevation of insulin leads to hyperinsulinism, which has been positively linked to obesity, elevated cholesterol levels, blood pressure, mood dysfunction and a Pandora’s box of disease and disability. Research “hyperinsulinism” on the Internet. There’s a gold mine of information pertinent to your health available there. The CrossFit prescription is a low-glycemic diet and consequently severely blunts the insulin response.
What About Paleo, Primal or the Zone Diet?
You are welcome to use those methods of Clean Eating. They all fit into our challenge. If you want more info explore the Stand Firm CrossFit NUTRITION page.
UnClean Foods
• Avoid any foods that contain refined sugars and/or sweeteners. Here is a list to avoid: sugar, dextrose fructrose, corn syrup, maltose, brown sugar, powdered sugar, dextran, cane sugar, rice syrup, sorbitol, fruit juice, lactose, maltodextrin, caramel
• Refined grains
• Processed foods, avoid packaged foods, food that comes in a box, can or bottle. These foods generally have added preservatives and additives that are not good for you.
• No Alcohol , processes juice, sodas, or sugary drinks such as Gatorade.
• These oils should be avoided, canola, margarine, shortening, corn oil, soybean oil.
How Whole Foods and Eating Clean Help You Stay Healthy.
What you eat really does have an effect on how you feel. Eating whole foods and avoiding junk food — a clean eating lifestyle — can keep you healthy or help you regain your health if you haven’t been well. Follow these precepts and you will have a better chance at living an active life:
• It’s easier to maintain a healthy weight, which reduces the risk of several diseases.
• Eating a good variety of foods ensures you get adequate amounts of most essential nutrients.
• Relying on whole foods is the best way to get a good combination of micronutrients.
• Whole foods keep you satisfied longer so you’re less tempted by junk foods.
• Foods high in micronutrients can help reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar.
• There are some nutrients we haven’t yet identified that are present in whole foods but not in supplements.
• Whole foods help keep your digestive system regular.
• Eating a healthy diet makes you stronger so you can stay more active.
• Avoiding artificial ingredients keeps your cells strong so your body systems work efficiently.
• If you feel good, you’re more likely to take care of yourself in other ways